Some recent progress in extension theory
Ping Wong Ng  (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
10:30-11:30,April 13,2023   A503
We discuss some recent advances in the extension theory of C*-algebras.
Among other things, all essential extensions of the form
0-> B -> E -> A ->0
where B is a nonunital separable simple continuous scale C*-algebra, and A is a separable
nuclear C*-algebra, are now completely classified. We also here mention a version of the
Voiculescu noncommutative Weyl-von Neumann theorem,
for unital *-monomorphisms phi : A → M(B) with phi(A)∩B ={0},where A is a separable nuclear C*-algebra in a large class, and B is a nonunital separable simple
continuous scale C*-algebra with tracial rank zero.
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