职称: | 教授,博导 |
所属部门: | 基础数学系 |
办公室: | 闵行数学楼312室 |
办公电话: | 54342646-312 |
邮箱: | rdu@math.ecnu.edu.cn |
个人主页: | http:/~rdu |
学校名录: | https://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/_s42/dr2/main.psp |
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Ph.D. 2009.
East China Normal University, Department of Mathematics, M.A.
2005, B.A. 2002.
Professional Experience:
2014-now, East China Normal University, Department of Mathematics, Professor.
2010-2014, East China Normal University, Department of Mathematics, Associate Professor.
2012-2014, University of Hong Kong, Department of Mathematics, Postdoctoral Fellow.
2009-2010, University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Visiting Research Assistant Professor.
l R. Du, Xinyi Fang and P. Ren: Homogeneous ACM bundles on isotropic Grassmannians, Forum Math. 35(2023), No. 3, 763-782.
l R. Du, Xinyi Fang and Y. Gao: Vector bundles on Flag varieties, Math. Nach. 296 (2023), No. 2, 630-649.
l R. Du and H. Sun : Inequalities of Chern classes on nonsingular projective n-folds with ample canonical or anti-canonical line bundles, J. Differential Geom. Vol. 122 (2022) , 377-398.
l R. Du, Xinyi Fang and Y. Gao: Vector bundles on rational homogeneous spaces, Ann. Mat. Pur. Appl., Vol. 200 (2021), 2797-2827.
R. Du and Xinyi Fang : Normal bundles on the exceptional sets of
simple small resolutions,
l Y. Chen, R. Du and Y. Gao: Modular quotient varieties and singularities by the cyclic group of order 2p, Commun. Algebra, 8 (12), 5490-5500, 2020.
R. Du : On the canonical maps of nonsingular threefolds of
general type
R. Du
R. Du
l R. Du, Y. Gao and S. Yau: On higher dimensional complex Plateau problem, Math. Zeit., Vol.282 (2016), 389-403.
R. Du and S. Yau: Kohn-Rossi cohomology and its
application to the complex Plateau problem, III, J. Differential Geom.,
Vol. 90, No. 2(2012),
R. Du, H.S. Luk and S. Yau: New invariants for
complex manifolds and isolated singularities, Comm. Anal. Geom., Vol. 19, No. 5(2011),
R. Du, Y. Gao and
S. Yau: Explicit
construction of moduli space of bounded complete
Reinhardt domains in Cn,
Comm. Anal. Geom., Vol. 18, No. 3(2010),
l R. Du and S. Yau: Local holomorphic De Rham cohomology, Comm. Anal. Geom., Vol. 18, No. 2(2010), 365-374.
R. Du and S. Yau: The second pluri-genus of Gorenstein surface singularities
(Dedicated to Professor Yang Lo on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday), Sci. China, Ser. A, Vol. 53 No.
R. Du and S. Yau: Higher order Bergman functions and complete numerical
invariants for a family of pseudoconvex CR manifolds,
J. Differential Geom., Vol. 82, No. 3(2009),
Conference Proceedings:
l R. Du, Y. Gao and S. Yau: New Invariants for Higher Dimensional Singularities and the Complex Plateau Problem, Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. Part 1, 2,453–466, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2017.
l R. Du and S. Yau: New invariants for complex manifolds, singularities, and CR manifolds with applications, Fifth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians. Part 1, 2,431–445, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 51, pt. 1, 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012.
l Z. Chen, R. Du, S.-L. Tan and F. Yu: Cubic equations of rational triple points of dimension two, Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Geometry and Related Fields, 63–76, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 39, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2007.
l R. Du : Pinched theorem and the reverse Yau's inequalities for compact Kähler-Einstein manifolds, (submitted).