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傅 蔚
职称: 副教授
所属部门: 应用数学系
办公室: 闵行统计楼113室
办公电话: 54342646-513
邮箱: wfu@math.ecnu.edu.cn
个人主页: http:/~wfu
学校名录: https://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/_s42/fy2/main.psp


2007.09 ? 2011.07 上海大学数学系 数学与应用数学 理学学士

2011.09 ? 2014.04 上海大学数学系 应用数学 理学硕士

2014.10 ? 2018.11 英国利兹大学数学学院 应用数学 哲学博士



2019.01 ? 2019.06 澳门人威尼斯官网 原计算机科学与软件工程学院

2019.07 ? 澳门人威尼斯官网 澳门人威尼斯官网


[1]   Fu W, Huang L, Tamizhmani KM, Zhang DJ. 2013 Integrability properties of the differential-difference Kadomtsev?Petviashvili hierarchy and continuum limits. Nonlinearity 26, 3197?3229.

[2]   Fu W, Ilangovane R, Tamizhmani KM, Zhang DJ. 2014 Integrability properties of the dispersionless Kadomtsev?Petviashvili hierarchy. J. Math. Phys. 55, 083504.

[3]   Fu W, Qiao ZJ, Sun JW, Zhang DJ. 2015 Continuous correspondence of conservation laws of the semi-discrete AKNS system. J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 22, 321?341.

[4]   Fu W, Nijhoff FW. 2017 Direct linearizing transform for three-dimensional discrete integrable systems: the lattice AKP, BKP and CKP equations. Proc. Royal Soc. A 473, 20160915.

[5]   Fu W, Nijhoff FW. 2017 On reductions of the discrete Kadomtsev?Petviashvili-type equations. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 505203.

[6]   Fu W. 2018 Direct linearisation of the discrete-time two-dimensional Toda lattices. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 334001.

[7]   Fu W, Nijhoff FW. 2018 Linear integral equations, infinite matrices, and soliton hierarchies. J. Math. Phys. 59, 071101.

[8]   Fu W. 2020 Direct linearization approach to discrete integrable systems associated with $\mathbb{Z}_\mathcal{N}$ graded Lax pairs. Proc. Royal Soc. A 476, 20200036.

[9]   Fu W, Nijhoff FW. 2021 On nonautonomous differential-difference AKP, BKP and CKP equations. Proc. Royal Soc. A 477, 20200717.