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邮箱: ykwu@math.ecnu.edu.cn
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[1] Chua, B. L., & Wu, Y. (2005). Designing Technology-based Mathematics Lessons: A Pedagogical Framework. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching,24(4), 387-402.
[2] Wu, Y. (2004). Singapore secondary school students’ understanding of statistical graphs. Paper presented at the 10th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-10), Special Topic Group 11: Research and development in the teaching and learning of probability and statistics.
[3] Chua, B.L., & Wu, Y. (2004). The power of EXCEL: one problem and three perspectives. Micromath, 20(3), 30-34.
[4] Wu, Y., & Wong, K. Y. (2004). Using EXCEL to assess and promote secondary school students’ understanding of statistical graphs. In Y. A. Hasan, A. Baharum, A.I. Ismail, H. L. Lee & H. C. Low (Eds.), Proceeding of the 2003 regional conference on integrating technology in the mathematical sciences (pp. 162-171). Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia.
[5] Wu, Y. (2002). The impact of EXCEL on the school mathematics curriculum. In D. Edge & B. H. Yeap (Eds.), Mathematics Education for a Knowledge-based Era. Proceedings of second east Asia regional conference on mathematics education and ninth southeast Asian conference on mathematics education, 2, 479-485. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
[6] 李宏, 吴颖康, 李士?. (2001). 中学生数学信念和数学学习行为调查. 数学教育学报, 10(3), 88-91.
