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郑 宇
职称: 教授,博导
所属部门: 基础数学系
办公室: 闵行数学楼330室
办公电话: 54342646-330
邮箱: zhyu@math.ecnu.edu.cn
个人主页: http:/~zhyu
学校名录: http://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/s/1774/main.jspy
澳门人威尼斯·(中国)官方网站- welcome欢迎光临

Yu Zheng
Sex: male
Age: 49
Date of born: Oct. 9, 1966
Post address: Department of Mathematics,
East China Normal University,
500 Dongchuan Road, Minhang,
Shanghai, 200241, P. R. China
Position: Professor
Phone: 86 021 54342634(office)
Fax: 86 021 54342609
Email: zhyu@math.ecnu.edu.cn

1988, B.S. in Mathematics, Dalian University of Science and Technology
1991, M.S. in Mathematics, Dalian University of Science and Technology
1994, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Dalian University of Science and Technology

Positions held and Visiting(in part) :
1994-1996, Postdoctor in Mathematical Department of East China Normal University.
1996-2003, Associate Professor, Mathematical Department of East China Normal University.
2000-2001, Visiting Member, Mathematical Institute in Albert-Ludwigs -University Freiburg.
2002-2003, Visiting Member(Level A), Mathematical Institute in Australian National University.
2004.2-2004.12, Visiting Professor, University of Beijing.
2004.5, Visiting Singapore University.
2006.2-2006.3, Visiting University of California, San Diego.
2007.2-2007.5, Visiting Professor, MSRI, Berkley.
2008.9-2008.12, Visiting University of Queensland, Australia.
2011.2-2011.3, Visiting U.C. Irvine.
2012.7-2012.8, Visiting University of Cornell.
2014.7-2014.8, Visiting U.C. Irvine and University of Cornell.
2003-present, Professor, Mathematical Department of East China Normal University.

Research and Interests:
Geometric Evolution Equations and Related Topics in Geometric Analysis

Awards, Honors and Fellowships:
2013 - 2016 NSFC Grant, 10871069.
2009 - 2011 NSFC Grant, 11271132.
2000 - 2003 Foundation of University Key Teacher by MEC
1995 - 1996 Postdoctoral Foundation of China.
1994 - 1996 Postdoctoral Fellowship, ECNU.

Professional Activities:
[1] Reviewer, Mathematical Review since 2008.
[2] Referee for the Chinese NSF Grant in 2011-2015.
[3] Has been Refereed the following mathematical journals (selected):
Pacic Journal of Mathematics, Communication in Analysis and Geometry, The Asian Journal of Mathematics, Science China Mathematics, Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series A, Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B.
[4] Co-organizer, 2008 Summer School and Workshop on Geometric Analysis East China Normal University, July.
[5] Co-organizer, 2009 Summer School and Workshop on Geometric Analysis East China Normal University,July.
[6] Co-organizer, 2010 Summer School and Workshop on Geometric Analysis East China Normal University, July.
[7] Co-organizer, 2013 Summer School and Workshop on Geometric Analysis East China Normal University, July.
[8] Co-organizer, 2015 ECNU Workshop on Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, July 22-July 24.
[9] Co-organizer, 2015 ECNU Winter Workshop on Geometric Analysis, December 17-18.

澳门人威尼斯·(中国)官方网站- welcome欢迎光临

Publications and Talks(in part):
[1] Peng Lu, Jie Qing and Yu Zheng ,A note on conformal Ricci flow ,Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 268(2), pp 413-434,2014.
[2] Andrews, Ben; McCoy, James; Zheng, Yu Contracting convex hypersurfaces by curvature. Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Eqs. 47 (2013), no. 3-4, 611-665.
[3] Wang, Er-Min; Zheng, Yu Regularity of the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian and Yamabe invariant along geometric flows. Pacific J. Math. 254 (2011), no. 1, 239-255.
[4] Jiayong Wu, Ermin Wang, Yu Zheng, First eigenvalue of the p-Laplace operator along the Ricci flow, Anals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 2010, Vol. 38, No. 1, 27-55.
[5] Jia-Yong Wu and Yu Zheng, Interpolating between constrained Li-Yau and Chow-Hamilton Harnack inequalities on a surface, Archiv der Mathematik, 2010, Volume 94, No 6, 591-600.
[6] M. Hong, Y. Zheng, The ASD connection and its related flow on the 4-manifolds, Cal. Var. P. D. E., Vol. 31(2008), 325-349.
[7] Y. Zheng, On the study of one flow for ASD connection, Comm. Contem. Math. Vol. 9, No. 4 (2007), 545-569.
[8] Y. Zheng, On The Local Existence of One Calabi Type Flow, Chinese Anals of Math(A), 27(A)3, 2006.
[9] Y. Zheng, The Negative Gradient Flow For $L^2$-integral of Ricci Curvature, Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 111(2003), 163-186.
[10] The Hamiltonian Equations in Some Mathematics and Physics Problems, Appl. Math. Mech., vol. 24, No.1(2003).
[11] Generalized Extended tanh-Function Method to Construct New Explicit Exact Solutions for the Approximate Equations for Long Water Waves, Int. Jour.Modern.,Phy. C., Vol. 15(2003). [12] The Hamiltonian Canonical Form for Euler-Lagrange Equations, Commun. Theor, Phys., Vol. 38, 2002.
[13] Ordered Analytic Representation of PDEs by Hamiltonian Canonical System, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, Vol.17, No.2, 2002.
[14] Multiple subharmonic of nonautonomous Hanmiltonian system, J.Math.Research and Exposition, No. 2, Vol. 13, 1993.
[15] On the flow for ASD connections,2009 Sino-France Summer Institute on Geometric Analysis, Beijing University,2009,7.15-7.23.
[16] On the convexity along the Ricci flow, 2011 Workshop on Convex Geometric Analysis and Integral Geometry, Shanghai University, 2011,6.22-6.26.
[17] Notes on one curvature invariance under the Ricci flow , Workshop on Geometry and Topology, Tongji University.2011,10.14-10.16.
[17] On the study of eigenvalue problems along Ricci flow,AMS 2012 Spring Western Sectional Meeting and Conference,University of Hawaii, in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 3 - March 4, 2012.
[18] On the curvature invariance along the Ricci problems, International Conference on Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, University of California,Santa Barabra,2012,7.08-7.12.
[19] On new study of the curvature invariance along the Ricci flow , 2013 Nanjing Conference on Geometric Analysi, Nanjing University,2013, 6.17-6.21.
[20]On the local existences of several geometric evolution equations, Workshop on geometric analysis, Nangjin University of Science and Technology, 2013, 6.15-6.16.