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职称: 退休,教授,博导
所属部门: 基础数学系
办公室: 闵行数学楼327室
办公电话: 54342646-327
邮箱: zmwang@math.ecnu.edu.cn
个人主页: http:/~zmwang
学校名录: http://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/s/1324/main.jspy
澳门人威尼斯·(中国)官方网站- welcome欢迎光临


1975. 09 - 1978. 07  华东师大数学系,本科;
1993. 09 - 1995. 07  华东师大数学系,应用数学硕士;
1999. 09 - 2003. 11  华东师大计算机系,系统分析与集成博士


1978. 09 - 至今   华东师大数学系,助教(1978);讲师(1988);副教授(1998)教授(2011
1988. 08 - 1991. 07 赞比亚卢萨卡市伊芙琳文理学院应用科学系,高级讲师;
1995. 09 - 1997. 07 赞比亚卢萨卡市伊芙琳文理学院应用科学系,高级讲师;
2000. 05 - 2001. 05  澳大利亚墨尔本大学电子信息学院,访问学者;
2001. 06 - 2005. 12 上海市非线性学会,理事;
2007. 01 - 2011. 12 上海市工业与应用数学学会,理事;
2012. 01 - 至今   全国奇摄动理论与应用学会,理事;
2012. 02 – 2012. 06 美国圣奥莱夫文理学院数学系,访问教授。






  1. Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Fast Sampling Discrete-time Singularly Perturbed Systems, IET CTA, To appear (2016) (SCI) (with Wei Liu, Haohui Dai, and Mehvish Naz)  
  2. Controlled Synchronization of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems under Constrained Communication, Automation and Remote Control, 76 (2015) 12, 2156-2167. (SCI) (with Wei Liu, Haohui Dai, and Mingkang Ni)
  3. Consensus of Complex Network Systems and Ergodicity of Markov Chains, IET CTA, 9 (2015), 2, 184-191. (SCI) (with Haitao Han, Qing Zhou)
  4. Controlled Synchronization for Chaotic Systems via Limited Information with Data Packet Dropout, Automatica, 49 (2013) 2576-2579. (SCI) (with Wei Liu and Qin Zhou)
  5. Quantized Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Linear Systems with Nonlinear Disturbances, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 8 (2013) 48-56. (SCI) (with Wei Liu and Mingkang Ni)
  6. On Higher-Dimensional Contrast Structure of Singularly Perturbed Dirichlet Problem, Science China, Mathematics, 55 (2012) 3,495-507. (SCI) (with Mingkang Ni)
  7. Controlled Synchronization of Discrete-time Chaotic Systems under Communication Constraints, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 69, 223–230. (SCI) (with Wei Liu and Weidong Zhang)
  8. Passivity Analysis of Uncertain Singularly Perturbed Systems, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems-II, 57 (2010), 6, 486-490. (SCI) (with Yanbo Gao, Guoping Lu)
  9. Stabilization of Two-Time Scale Systems with a Finite Feedback Data Rate, IET CTA, 2010, 4 (11), 2603-2612. (SCI) (with Gexia Wang, Wei Liu)
  10. Passive Control for Continuous Singular Systems with Nonlinear Perturbations, IET CTA., 2010, 4 (11), 2554-2564. (SCI) (with Yanbo Gao, Guoping Lu)
  11. On Step-Like Contrast Structure of Singularly Perturbed Systems, Boundary Value Problems, 2009, Article ID 634324,1-17 doi: 10. 1155 /2009/ 634324. (SCI) (with Mingkang Ni)
  12. Differentiability and its Asymptotic Analysis for Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problem, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Applications, 2008, 69, 2236-2250. (SCI) (with Wuzhong Lin, Gexia Wang)
  13. Chaotic synchronization with Limited Information, IJBC, 2008, 18 (10), 1-9. (SCI) (with Gexia Wang and Guoping Lu)
  14. Dynamic Output Feedback of Linear Networked Control, Automation and Remote Control, 2008, 69 (9), 70-76. (SCI) (with Gexia Wang)
  15. Floating Quantization Effects on MultiMate Sampled-Data Nonlinear Control Systems, Acta Mathematica Scientia 2007, 27B (3):635–644. (SCI) (with Hongwang Yu)
  16. Robust Adaptive Output Feedback Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with General Uncertainties, International J. of Systems Science, 2006, 37(4), 207-224. (SCI) (with R. Y. Ruan, Changli Yang and Y. Z. Li)
  17. The Dirichlet Problem for a Quasilinear Singularly Perturbed Second Order System, JMAA, 1996, 201, 897-910. (SCI) (with Wuzhong Lin)
  18. On Stability Properties of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems by Semi-Definite Time-Varying Lyapunov Candidates, Proceedings of the 17th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, July, 6-11, 2008. (IFAC-17) (with Y. Tan, G.X. Wang, D. Nesic)
  19. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, Dec. 16-18, 2009. (IEEE CDC-48) (with Wei Liu, Haohui Dai, and D. Naidu)
  20. Passivity-Based Observer Design of Singular Perturbation, The 9th Asian Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23-26, 2013. (ASCC-2013) (with Wei Liu, Guoliang Chen, and Laihua Sheng)



国家理科基地教材,常微分方程,科学出版社,2003 (与林武忠,张九超合著)


  1. 国家自然科学基金(主持)

2. 上海自然科学基金(主持)


  1. 微分方程高级教程(Advanced ODE)获上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程(2016)
  2. 获华东师大第二届优秀研究生教学奖(2016)